The development

The plans we are presenting have been informed by views and suggestions submitted in response to the previous public consultations.

We intend to develop the site as an extension of Oxford with a visible and distinctive frontage onto Oxford Road, with a scale and density of development which is appropriate to its gateway location and proximity to public transport stops.

The eastern part of the site will create a softer edge onto the countryside to the east with views to the Cherwell Valley and Water Eaton.

The green corridor along the eastern boundary together with parkland will create characterful spaces for movement, play and recreation. Biodiversity Net Gain will be achieved across the site and Sustainable Drainage Systems will provide vegetation and landscaping to mimic nature and drain surface water.

We have responded to some of the key points raised in feedback to previous consultations in the following way:

  • Demonstrate biodiversity net gain and provide a variety of habitats and planting There will be biodiversity net gain across the development along with wildlife corridors and the creation of diverse habitats.
  • Clear long-term management of green and blue infrastructure Christ Church will take on this long-term role.
  • Open countryside views Views to the countryside are incorporated in accordance with the Local Plan policy and Development Brief.
  • Fully segregated cycle and pedestrian routes We have been working with Oxfordshire County Council to develop the cycle super highway along Oxford Road which will deliver fully segregated cycle and pedestrian routes. We have worked with the council to review proposals at the Kidlington roundabout which has led to the inclusion of fully segregated provision rather than shared use routes around the Kidlington junction.
  • Locate the primary school and neighbourhood centre together and providing local amenities This will be part of our plans and the local centre will provide a range of options for groceries and shopping.
  • Changes to open space We have removed the open air amphitheatre shown on the previous illustrative masterplan and have moved the multi-use games area to a location more distant from Cutteslowe Park.