The scheme parameters

As part of the planning application for Water Eaton, we will be submitting an Environmental Statement (ES). It will detail the technical work we have conducted to identify potential environmental effects and the proposed mitigation measures, benefits and enhancements the scheme will deliver.

Following feedback from Cherwell District Council and other statutory consultees, the ES will cover population, climate change, transport and movement, air quality, noise, drainage, biodiversity, landscape and visual effects, archaeology, listed buildings, and ground conditions including soils.

How does environmental assessment help the design process?

The baseline surveys of the site and its surroundings inform the analysis and influence the design of the emerging scheme. It shows how to best bring together the mix of new homes, local centre, primary school, green space, drainage and access routes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

This work has identified several key mitigation measures acknowledging:

  • The remains of two barrows retained in an area of open space with an agreed ‘protection zone’
  • Green space will separate built development from St Frideswide’s Farmhouse
  • Green corridors along retained hedgerows, public paths and rainwater drainage routes
  • Flood water storage ponds will be located in multifunctional green spaces
  • The Primary school and local centre positioned to be within walking distance for as many residents as possible
  • A cycle route through the site linking the Park & Ride and the Parkway station to the urban area of Oxford and Cutteslowe Park
  • Oxford Road bus lane, and segregated pedestrian and cycle routes along to Oxford Road, suitable for commuting
  • The tallest buildings would be positioned along Oxford Road corridor, and then step down to the east
  • Landscape planting to soften the appearance in views from the east.

Parameter plans

The parameter plans define the development principles for the distribution of land use and the maximum building heights across the scheme. Our current thinking is represented in these plans. This will be submitted as part of the outline planning application and allows Cherwell District Council to control the scale of development, however certain details may be subject to change.

The final appearance and layout of the development will be determined as part of the subsequent Reserved Matters applications following the outcome of the outline planning application.