A sustainable development

We have previously consulted on the approach to sustainability. Much of the detail for these areas will need to be refined at the detailed design stage to reflect technologies that are available at the time, however our approach to each is set out below:

Passive design and energy efficiency

Buildings will be designed to reduce demand for energy as far as possible. This could be achieved with building fabric that minimises heat loss and high-quality glazing. Better insulation and construction will result in buildings which are more airtight, keeping buildings warm in winter and cool in summer.

All electric strategy

The provision of heating and hot water at Water Eaton will be free of fossil fuels, instead using all-electric energy methods. We plan for all homes to use an electric heat pump, which allows the generation of heating, hot water, and cooling and this could be complemented by renewable generating technologies such as solar PV.

Health and Wellbeing

Homes will be designed to be affordable to run, comfortable, with lots of daylight, but reducing the risk of overheating. There will be no air pollution from the homes through cooking or heating and the provision of outdoor space, bike storage and access to the cycle and walking network will encourage an active lifestyle.

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Energy and Climate Change Mitigation

The development of the strategy here has followed the good practice of lean, clean, green. The homes will also add in a “smart” element:

Lean: A fabric first approach will minimise heating demand and will be combined with low energy lighting. Low use water fittings will minimise water use on-site and water butts will be provided where appropriate.

Clean: Homes will be all-electric, very low carbon and emit no air pollution. Using heat pumps they will generate the heat very efficiently.

Green: Homes will be provided with solar power to reduce CO2 emissions further and reduce bills for the residents.

Smart: Homes will be able to control appliances, the hot water tanks, electric vehicle charging and solar systems optimally, by storing energy and changing when energy is used.

Transport: Homes will encourage walking and cycling, with good storage and connections directly to the network of segregated pathways. Each house will have an electric vehicle charger to enable residents to use electric cars, when needed. There is more detail on transport in the boards dedicated to this area.

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